The manga that took the world by storm earlier last year, Kagurabachi, has been picked up by VIZ Media for release in print format. The first volume of the Kagurabachi manga will be released in Fall 2024.
For the uninitiated, Kagurabachi is an action battle manga by Takeru Hokazono, which was first released in September last year. It spawned many memes on release and even got the tag of the next major shonen sensation, though jokingly.
The fans quickly termed it the Demon Slayer replica that also took inspiration from several different Shonen manga. However, Kagurabachi has proven it’s here to stay and managed to attract eyeballs in the West. Hence, it is getting an English print release later this year.
Kagurabachi premiered in September 2023 as a digital release in Shonen Jump (& English simul-pub in Manga Plus), and at the time of writing, 23 chapters have been released so far. The manga tells the story of Chihiro Rokuhira and his journey to avenge his father, a loving swordsmith who was slain in front of his eyes. He now carries an enchanted blade, called Enten, fighting enemies who’ve claimed the other enchanted blades crafted by his father.
Kagurabachi manga initial impressions
Should you start reading it?
I’ve been following Kagurabachi since its release and can say that Hokazono’s creation is worth a shot. The initial chapters may feel like a slow burn and a fusion of existing manga out there. But as you get invested in the Kagurabachi world with each new chapter, you’re eager to learn all the secrets that remain. What are all the enchanted blades called? What are the powers of each? Who’s the user of each? What do the sorcerers wish to achieve with them? Also, who exactly killed Chihiro’s father? A lot of questions remain!
It’s exciting for me to see the Kagurabachi world grow with new characters being added with each release. Chihiro has a cold, flat look but is likable as the protagonist. However, it’s not all shiny. The manga is not doing anything groundbreaking for the Shonen genre; there’s swords, sorcery, villains with bloated egos, a power system, and characters that leave somewhat of an impression on you. Nothing more.
Hokazono has created an amazing world with sorcerers and swordsmen who have the potential to hook you in, but the manga suffers from character development and pacing issues. It’s a typical action manga with one fight after another. I will expand on this and share my opinions on Kagurabachi in a dedicated piece, a review of sorts, so stay on the lookout for it.
To wrap up, yeah, Kagurbachi’s popularity may have been fueled by memes and jokes in the initial days, but the manga has now carved a space for itself in the Shonen world. Its success is not just a surprise for you; even the editor of the Kagurabachi manga (via his Manga Plus interview) was surprised by the manga’s success outside Japan. He hopes for a similar success in Japan, where we recently saw the first volume sell out quickly at online stores.
In addition, VIZ Media also announced that a new Spy x Family coloring book will also be released in print format in Fall 2024. It will have over 70 pages featuring the Forger family for fans (or their kids) to color. Waku Waku!
That said, are you reading Kagurabachi? If so, what are your thoughts on the manga? Let us know your initial impressions in the comments below.